Google+ Gym Exercises ~ Garcia´s Health

20 de abril de 2012

Gym Exercises

Flat Bench Press

Flat Barbell Press
Flat Cambered Barbell Press
Flat Smith Machine Press
Flat Dumbbell Press
Flat Dumbbell Flyes

Flat Universal Machine Press
Incline Barbell Press
Incline Cambered Barbell Press
Incline Smith Machine Press
Low Incline Smith Machine Press

Low Incline Barbell Press
Low Incline Barbell Press
Futron Incline Barbell Press
Futron Incline Cambered Barbell Press
Incline Barbell Press
(in squat/power rack)
Low Incline Barbell Press
Low Incline Barbell press
(in squat/power rack)

Incline Universal Machine Press
Incline Dumbbell Press
Incline Dumbbell Flyes
Decline Barbell Press
Decline Cambered Barbell Press
Decline Smith Machine Press
Decline Dumbbell Press
Decline Dumbbell Flyes
Pec Deck
Dumbbell Pullovers

Gravitron Dips
Cable Crossovers
Upward Cable Crossovers
Bench Dips
Gravitron Assisted Dips

Push Ups
Cormax Ballistic Bench Press
Barbell Floor Press
Partial Bench Press

Push Ups
Flat Cormax Bench Press
Barbell Floor Press
Partial Flat Barbell Press

Seated Dumbbell Press
Standing Dumbbell Press
Seated Front Barbell Press
Seated Rear Barbell Press
Seated Front Smith Machine Press
Seated Rear Smith Machine Press
Seated Universal Machine Press
w/no back support
Seated Universal Machine Press
w/no back support
Seated Universal Machine Press
w/back support
Dumbbell Side Raises
(seated or standing)
Cable Side Raises
One Arm Cable Side Raises
Dumbbell Front Raises
Barbell Front Raises w/Barbell, EZ curl bar or Super EZ curl bar
Lying Barbell Front Raises
Cable Front Raises w/rope

Wide Grip Barbell Upright Rows
Wide Grip Smith Machine Upright Rows
Standing Dumbbell Rear Raises
Seated Dumbbell Rear Raises
Reverse Pec Deck

Wide Grip Cable Upright Rows
Incline Dumbbell Side Raises
Standing Barbell Press
Seated Front Barbell Press in Power Rack
"Pee Wee Herman" Dumbbell Side Raises
Wide Grip Cable Upright Rows (Overhand Grip)
Incline Dumbbell Side Raises
Standing Barbell Press

Clean & Press
Dumbbell Lateral Throws
Arnold Press
Seated Dumbbell Side Raises
Seated Dumbbell Press
Clean & Press
Dumbbell Lateral Throw
"Arnold" Dumbbell Press
Seated Dumbbell Side Raises
Seated Dumbbell Press with No Back Support

Close Grip Barbell Press
Close Grip Smith Machine Press
Close Grip Decline Barbell Press
Lying Tricep Extension "Skull Crushers"
Decline Lying Tricep Extension "Skull Crushers"

Rear View
Dumbbell Crossface
Dumbbell Kickback
Seated Overhead Extensions
Seated Dumbbell Overhead Extensions
(one arm or two)
Seated One Arm Overhead Extensions
Bench Dips
Pushdowns on Universal Machine
Pushdowns on Lat Pulldown Machine
on Cable Crossover Machine

Cable handles
Underhand Pushdowns
Palms up
w/cloth or chain handle
Cable Kickback - Palm up
on Cable Crossover Machine
Overhead Cable Extensions
on Pulldown machine
Cable Overhead Extensions
on Cable Crossover Machine
One Arm Cable Overhead Extensions on Cable Crossover Machine

Push Ups
Cable Skull Crushers
Seated Overhead Cable ExtensionsPushdown handles
Partial Close Grip Bench Press

Push Ups
Cable Skull Crushers
Seated Overhead Cable Extensions
Partial Flat Close Grip Barbell Press

Back (Lats)

Underhand Pulldowns
(palms up)
Pull-ups w/ V -handle
Chin Ups (Underhand)
(palms ups)

Seated Cable Rows
Bent Over Barbell Rows
(overhand & underhand)
Close Grip Leverage
Row Machine
Wide Grip Leverage Row Machine
T-Bar Rows
----o---- shaped handle

T-Bar Rows
V shaped handle
One Arm T-Bar Row
Dumbbell Row
One Arm Seated Cable Row
Barbell Pullovers
Dumbbell Pullovers
3/4 Deadlifts
(off bottom of squat rack)
3/4 Deadlifts
(off bottom of Smith Machine)
Rack Pulls
(start just above knee)

Straight Arm Pulldowns
Gravitron Pull up
Lying Barbell Rows

Straight Arm Pulldowns
Gravitron Pull-ups
Lying Barbell Rows


Standing Barbell or EZ Curl Bar Curls
Standing Dumbbell Curls

Alternating Standing Dumbbell Curls
Seated Dumbbell Curls
Bicep Exercises
Seated Dumbbell Curls
Incline Dumbbell Curls
(keep head on bench & elbows back)
High Incline Dumbbell Curls
(keep head on bench & elbows back)
Preacher Curls w/Barbell, Dumbbell or EZ Curl Bar
Bicep Exercises
Concentration Curl
Barbell Concentration Curls
Dumbbell Curl on an Incline Bench
Dumbbell Concentration Curls
Barbell Concentration Curls
Cable Curls
(Seated Cable Row Machine)
Bicep Exercises
Cable Curls - One arm or two
(Cable Crossover Machine)
"CC" Cable Crossover Curls - High
"CC" Cable Crossover Curls - Low
One Arm "CC" Cable Crossover Curl - High

Chin Ups
Drag Curls
Chin Ups (Underhand)
Cross Body Dumbbell Curls
Drag Curls on the Universal Machine
Drag Curls

Barbell curls over incline

Barbell Curls over an Incline

Barbell Wrist Curls
(palms up)
Barbell Reverse Wrist Curls
(palms down)
Barbell Reverse Curls
(palms down)
Dumbbell Hammer Curls
Cable Hammer Curls
w/rope handle
Forearm Wrist Roller
1 rep = all the way up then back down then all the way up the other way
then back down

Weight = Bodyweight

Hang from Pull Up Bar for Time
Barbell Hold for Time

Dumbbell Shrugs
Barbell Shrugs
Smith Machine Shrugs
Universal Machine Shrugs

Close Grip Barbell
Upright Rows
Close Grip Smith Machine
Upright Rows
3/4 Deadlifts
(off bottom of squat rack)
3/4 Deadlifts
(off bottom of Smith Machine)
Rack Pulls
(start just above knee)
Lower Back Machine "ab/Back"
3/4 Deadlifts
(off bottom of squat rack)
3/4 Deadlifts
(off bottom of Smith Machine)
Rack Pulls
(start just above knee)
Good Morning

Abdominals (Abs)

Crunches w/feet up
Reverse Crunch
Double Crunch
6 inch Leg Lifts
Ab Exercises - Abdominal Exercises
Ball Crunch
Ab Roller
Sit Ups on Slant Board
Hanging Knee Lifts
Hanging Leg Lifts
Ab Exercises - Abdominal Exercises
Ab Machine
Standing Dumbbell Serratus Crunch
Jacknives on Ball
AB/back Machine
Ab Bench
Standing Dumbbell Serratus Crunch
"Gaspari's" Do not bend at the waist
Torso Track
Jacknives on Ball
Side Plank/Hold
Seated Waist Twist
Cross Bench Crunches

Side/Plank Hold
Seated Waist Twist
Cross Bench Crunches

Single Leg Extension
Bodysmith Hack Squats
Universal Leg Extensions
Leg Extensions
Single Leg Extension
Free Weight Leg Extensions
Sissy Squat Machine
Hack Squats
"Bodysmith" Hack Squats
Single Leg Curl
Universal Leg Curls
Leg Curls
Free Weight Leg Curls
Single Leg Curl
Standing Leg Curl
Stiff Leg Deadlifts
Leg Press
"Trotter" Leg Press
"Bodysmith" Leg Press
"Yukon" Vertical Leg Press
Barbell Squats

Smith Machine Squats
Front Hack Squats
Barbell Hack Squats
Universal Machine Squats
One Leg - Leg Press
One Leg -"Trotter" Leg Press
Barbell Lunges
Dumbbell Lunges
Smith Machine Lunges
taller people face other direction back foot all the way back and front foot all the way forward (one leg at a time) (do not alternate legs)

Walking Starter Lunges
Bulgarian Squats
Smith Bulgarians
Barbell Front Squats
Dumbbell Step Ups
Walking Starter Lunges
Bulgarian Squats
Smith Machine Bulgarian Squats
Barbell Front Squats
Dumbbell Step Ups

Box Jumps
Dumbbell Squats
Box Squats

Box Jumps
Dumbbell Squats
Box Squats

Calf Raises on Leg Press
Calf Raises on Trotter Leg Press
Calf Raises on Vertical Leg Press
Standing Calf Raises on Universal Machine
Standing Calf Raises on Smith Machine

Single Calf Raise on Leg Press - Animated Exercise Examples, 100+ Exercises
Copyright © 2003 - 2011
Animated Exercise Examples 100+ Exercises
Interested in using these images? License Agreement
Free Standing Calf Raises
(one or both feet)
Seated Calf Raises
Single Leg - Calf Raise on Trotter Leg Press
Shin Raises

Shin Raises

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